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P Family Session

As a photographer mom, I am excellent at capturing my kids on camera. I get their moments, their milestones, and great photos of them with friends and family members. The only thing I am consistently missing in our family photos is myself. I am conspicuously absent from the vast majority of our photos, since I am the one behind the lens.

Devyn, another photographer mom (and an awesome one at that), knows exactly how this feels. We also both know how important it is to have quality photos of the whole family, and of us with our children. We are in the business of making memories, and we want our kids to have some of us to look back on.

So we came up with a family session trade off. Devyn took some awesome images of my family, and then we jumped on opposite sides of the camera.

These are some kids who love to goof for the camera. They are definitely used to having lenses aimed at them.

Must be that cool photographer mom they've got.

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